Adquisiciones: Molibdeno, tecnecio, rutenio y rodio

Una contratación archivada

Históricamente, los proveedores de este ámbito han sido Bimo Tech Sp. z o.o. y Rolf Kind GmbH.

Recientes adquisiciones de molibdeno, tecnecio, rutenio y rodio en España

2022-01-21   Supply of Raw Material for EP-WAVS in EP12 and CTS (European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (F4E))
The scope of this contract will cover the supply of raw material that will be used for the manufacturing of the EP-WAVS in EP12 and CTS diagnostics. The scope is divided into two lots: — lot 1: supply of rhodium sputtering target; — lot 2: supply of stainless steel. Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: Bimo Tech Sp. z o.o. Rolf Kind GmbH