Proveedor: Abilways S.A.

Una contrataci贸n archivada

Abilways S.A. ha sido hist贸ricamente proveedor de servicios de ense帽anza y formaci贸n y servicios de formaci贸n.
Hist贸ricamente, los licitadores competidores han sido Auren Consultores SP, S.L.P. y Pons Escuela de Negocios S.L..

Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Abilways S.A.

2019-07-18   Provision of Training Services for the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO))
The objective of this invitation to tender is the signature of a maximum of 3 framework contracts in cascade, per lot, to provide (through the future contractors) various training courses, conferences, seminars, coaching and e learning activities, as well as the corresponding educational and learning support material in all formats. Ver la contrataci贸n 禄
Proveedores mencionados: Abilways S.A. Auren Consultores SP, S.L.P. Pons Escuela de Negocios S.L.