Proveedor: Akio SAS

2 adquisiciones archivadas

Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Akio SAS

2021-06-03   Provision of Media Monitoring and Media Analysis Services (European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (F4E))
Framework service contract for the provision of media monitoring and media analysis services to Fusion for Energy. Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: Akio SAS
2016-10-07   Provision of media monitoring and media analysis services to Fusion for Energy (The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the development of Fusion Energy (‘Fusion for Energy’))
Framework service contract for the provision of media monitoring and media analysis services to Fusion for Energy. Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: Akio SAS