Proveedor: Alsyom S.A.S

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Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Alsyom S.A.S

2019-10-02   Series Production of the Normal Heat Flux (NHF) ITER Blanket First Wall (FW) Panels (The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the development of Fusion Energy (‘Fusion for Energy’))
Supply of the normal heat flux first wall panels for the ITER blanket system. The supply involves qualification, manufacturing, factory testing, delivery and witnessing of the final acceptance testing of the panels at the ITER site. Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: Alsyom S.A.S Atmostat S.A.S Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, S.A. Framatome S.A.S Leading Metal Mechanic Solutions, S.L