Proveedor: Blomeyer & Sanz S.L.

Una contratación archivada

Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Blomeyer & Sanz S.L.

2015-12-04   5-year independent external evaluation of the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) (European Fisheries Control Agency)
The objective of the contract is to deliver an independent external evaluation study (hereinafter ‘the study’) for the Administrative Board of the EFCA within the scope of Article 39 of Council Regulation (EC) No 768/2005 for the period 2012–2016. The study shall assess whether and to what extent the main objective laid down in Article 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No 768/2005 is achieved by the EFCA's activities. Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: Blomeyer & Sanz S.L.