La contratación pública en España
Proveedor: De Pretto Industrie S.r.l.
Proveedor: De Pretto Industrie S.r.l.
2 adquisiciones archivadas
De Pretto Industrie S.r.l. ha sido históricamente proveedor de
derivados del petróleo, combustibles, electricidad y otras fuentes de energía
electricidad, calefacción, energías solar y nuclear
Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor De Pretto Industrie S.r.l.
Supply of Cassette Frames for the JT-60SA Actively Cooled Divertor
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (F4E)
The contract covers the supply of 38 identical cassette frame assemblies. Each cassette frame assembly consists of a fabricated stainless steel structure, a main inlet water pipe, a main water distribution pipe, a main outlet water pipe and two machined tee junctions with bellows.
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Proveedores mencionados:
De Pretto Industrie S.r.l.
Supply of Normal Heat Flux (NHF) Elements for JT-60SA
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (F4E)
The contract covers the supply of the NHF elements for the 36 divertor units of the JT-60SA actively cooled divertor and some spares.
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Proveedores mencionados:
De Pretto Industrie S.r.l.
Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, S.A.
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Derivados del petróleo, combustibles,...
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