La contratación pública en España
Proveedor: Procon Systems, S.A.
Proveedor: Procon Systems, S.A.
2 adquisiciones archivadas
Procon Systems, S.A. ha sido históricamente proveedor de
servicios de arquitectura, construcción, ingeniería e inspección
servicios de ingeniería
servicios de consultoría en ingeniería y construcción
Históricamente, los licitadores competidores han sido
3TI Progetti
ATG Europe B.V.
IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture S.A.U.
Latesys S.A.S.
SENER Ing. y Sistemas, S.A.
Vitrociset S.p.A.
Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Procon Systems, S.A.
Provision of Engineering Support Services
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (F4E)
The subject of the contract is the provision to Fusion for Energy of engineering support services in the fields of mechanical, electrical, plant, systems engineering, data management, project management, etc. (Lot 1) as well as in design, civil engineering and qualification of mechanical equipment (Lot 2).
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Proveedores mencionados:
3TI Progetti
ATG Europe B.V.
IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture S.A.U.
Latesys S.A.S.
Procon Systems, S.A.
SENER Ing. y Sistemas, S.A.
Provision of System, Instrumentation and Control Engineering Support — Conventional I&C
Fusion for Energy Joint Undertaking (‘Fusion for Energy’)
The scope of this framework includes any technical activities that may be required to support F4E both in support and in the development of conventional I&C systems.The overall scope can be divided into three main areas: 1) technical support to F4E I&C activities; 2) I&C consultancy services; 3) procurement of tools or services (necessary to support activities 1, 2).
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Proveedores mencionados:
Procon Systems, S.A.
Vitrociset S.p.A.
Búsquedas relacionadas
Organizaciones compradoras:
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and...
Fusion for Energy Joint Undertaking...
3TI Progetti
ATG Europe B.V.
IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture S.A.U.
Latesys S.A.S.
SENER Ing. y Sistemas, S.A.
Vitrociset S.p.A.
Servicios de arquitectura, construcción,...
Servicios de ingeniería
Servicios de consultoría en ingeniería y...
Servicios de consultoría en ingeniería civil
Servicios diversos de ingeniería