La contratación pública en España
Proveedor: Rolf Kind GmbH
Proveedor: Rolf Kind GmbH
2 adquisiciones archivadas
Rolf Kind GmbH ha sido históricamente proveedor de
productos de la minería, de metales de base y productos afines
minerales metálicos y aleaciones
Históricamente, los licitadores competidores han sido
Albaksan Alasimli Bakir Sanayi Ticaret Anonim SIRKETI
Bimo Tech Sp. z o.o.
Le Bronze Alloys SAS
Societa Metallurgica Minotti SAS
Yamato Gokin Co. Ltd
Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Rolf Kind GmbH
Supply of Raw Material for EP-WAVS in EP12 and CTS
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (F4E)
The scope of this contract will cover the supply of raw material that will be used for the manufacturing of the EP-WAVS in EP12 and CTS diagnostics. The scope is divided into two lots: — lot 1: supply of rhodium sputtering target; — lot 2: supply of stainless steel.
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Proveedores mencionados:
Bimo Tech Sp. z o.o.
Rolf Kind GmbH
Supply of ITER Grade Copper Chromium Zirconium for the FW Panel Series
The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy ("Fusion for Energy")
Supply of up to 270 tons of ITER Grade Copper Chromium Zirconium (CuCrZr-IG) for the fabrication of 215 Normal Heat Flux (NHF) First Wall (FW) Panels, plus possible spares, for the ITER Blanket System.
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Proveedores mencionados:
Albaksan Alasimli Bakir Sanayi Ticaret...
Le Bronze Alloys SAS
Rolf Kind GmbH
Societa Metallurgica Minotti SAS
Yamato Gokin Co. Ltd
Búsquedas relacionadas
Organizaciones compradoras:
European Joint Undertaking for ITER and...
The European Joint Undertaking for ITER...
Albaksan Alasimli Bakir Sanayi Ticaret...
Bimo Tech Sp. z o.o.
Le Bronze Alloys SAS
Societa Metallurgica Minotti SAS
Yamato Gokin Co. Ltd
Productos de la minería, de metales de...
Minerales metálicos y aleaciones
Metales comunes
Molibdeno, tecnecio, rutenio y rodio
Maquinaria industrial
Máquinas herramienta
Máquinas herramienta para trabajar metales