Proveedor: Servicios de Tecnología, Ingeniería e Informática SL — Sertec

Una contratación archivada

Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Servicios de Tecnología, Ingeniería e Informática SL — Sertec

2016-06-28   Support on the production of diagnostics build-to-print design specifications and industrial expertise (The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the development of Fusion Energy (‘Fusion for Energy’))
1. Provision of support on the production of the build-to-print design specifications of the diagnostics; this involves production of build-to-print drawings and refinement of bill of materials and manufacturing specifications, to obtain a detailed and robust documentation package that will form the input for tendering for the procurement of the diagnostics. 2. Provision of industrial expertise on the evaluation of the diagnostics designs and solutions, in order to get a critical view on the … Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: Iberdrola ingeniería y construcción S.A.U. Servicios de Tecnología, Ingeniería e...
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