Proveedor: Stichting Wageningen Research with its research institute Wageningen Economic Research

Una contratación archivada

Stichting Wageningen Research with its research institute Wageningen Economic Research ha sido históricamente proveedor de paquetes de software y sistemas de información, paquetes de software y sistemas informáticos diversos y lenguajes y herramientas de programación.
Históricamente, los licitadores competidores han sido EuroCare GmbH y Johan Heinrich von Thuenen-Institute.

Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Stichting Wageningen Research with its research institute Wageningen Economic Research

2018-03-08   Support to the economic modelling of agriculture, rural development and resource policies in Europe (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.D — Sustainable Resources (Ispra), JRC.D.4 — Economics of Agriculture)
The planned framework contract shall provide the JRC with proven high-quality expertise in using and developing agro-economic modelling tools and with the ability to provide the Commission with the required technical support, analysis and evaluation for the analysis of agricultural and related policies in Europe on a long term horizon. Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: EuroCare GmbH Johan Heinrich von Thuenen-Institute Stichting Wageningen Research with its...