Occupational safety and health (OSH) in micro and small enterprises
This call for tender invites bids for the provision of a range of services in respect of occupational safety and health (OSH) in the context of micro and small enterprises. The aims are to help inform policy development in improvement of health and safety in micro and small enterprises, provide conclusions on what constitutes good strategies and practices currently, and provide examples of good strategies and practices, including any innovative strategies and practices. The tasks, as described in the tender specifications, cover:
— work package 1: OSH in micro and small enterprises (the state of play): desk research will be used to review various issues such as: available OSH data related to micro and small enterprises, management of OSH in micro and small enterprises including the context and features that have an influence on the management of OSH, current strategies for influencing behaviour or for promoting OSH actions within micro and small enterprises, and available resources for workplaces — including tool kits, guides, training tools and other instruments,
— work package 2: qualitative in-depth interviews to determine OSH attitudes and behaviours in micro and small enterprises: qualitative in-depth face-to-face interviews will be undertaken in a minimum of 8 countries to gain a better understanding of the problems and concerns associated with OSH at the workplace level and will help to build up a more complete picture of the way in which OSH is managed in micro and small enterprises,
— work package 3: investigation of how OSH policies, strategies, programmes, and support in relation to the management of OSH in micro and small enterprises function in practice: an investigation will be made of policies, strategies, programmes/actions in relation to OSH in micro and small enterprises in a minimum of 8 countries. For these countries, in-depth descriptions and analyses will be made which will include discussion activities with intermediaries and relevant OSH experts. A further part of the work is to investigate practical support offered to workplaces by intermediaries, activities taking place in workplaces, and the experiences and needs of workplaces. This will involve collecting, describing and evaluating examples of programmes/interventions to assist workplaces in OSH areas related to micro and small enterprises. The contractor will also investigate the views of those who have been involved in actions, drawing on the views of employers and workers and their representatives, as well as social partners and intermediaries. The work aims to highlight what works well, what needs to be done or prioritised and to identify the main drivers and obstacles to effective implementation of policy initiatives in this area,
— work package 4: final analysis and support to wrap-up seminar: a final report will be produced from an analysis of the findings from all the other tasks, presenting the most important findings and drawing out the relevant conclusions. Based on these findings and conclusions, policy and practice options will be set out and proposals for policy and action aimed at different levels and types of audience will be made. The contractor will also provide support to a high-level meeting and to a wrap-up conference, assisting with drafting the agenda, locating speakers and drafting reports of the meetings.
El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2014-06-27.
La contratación se publicó en 2014-03-25.
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