Scientific editing and proofreading in the English language
The aim of the contract is to provide the JRC-IPTS, over a period of maximum 4 years from its signature, with services of scientific editing and proofreading in the (British) English language. The texts to be edited are scientific and policy deliverables of research projects which inform policy-makers, decision-makers, academics and other stakeholders including the general public about issues relevant to the fields of research in IPTS. Material edited will be widely diffused documents such as: conference and/or scientific and policy reports, scientific publications, official documents, work programmes, press releases, internet web pages, etc.
El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2014-06-12.
La contratación se publicó en 2014-04-21.
Los siguientes proveedores se mencionan en decisiones de adjudicación u otros documentos de contratación:
¿A quién?
Historial de adquisiciones
Fecha |
Documento |
Anuncio de licitación
Anuncio de adjudicación de contrato