Cleaning services for the premises of the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA)

European Fisheries Control Agency

The purpose of this call for tenders is the provision of cleaning services at the EFCA's premises by specialised agents involving the cleaning of offices, archives, meeting rooms, elevators, stairways, corridors, landings, lobby, atrium, patio, library, computer rooms, cafeteria, terraces, kitchens, interior glass, exterior glass, dishes, underground with parking spaces, emptying of paper bins and garbage containers with waste separation. The EFCA may conclude a framework contract for an initial duration of 1 year which may be renewed annually up to 3 times, for a maximum duration of 4 years.

El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2015-11-13. La contratación se publicó en 2015-09-16.

Los siguientes proveedores se mencionan en decisiones de adjudicación u otros documentos de contratación:
¿A quién?



Historial de adquisiciones
Fecha Documento
2015-09-16 Anuncio de licitación
2015-10-26 Información complementaria
2016-05-31 Anuncio de adjudicación de contrato