Provision of ICT Support Services on a Time and Means basis to Fusion for Energy

The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the development of Fusion Energy (‘Fusion for Energy’)

The scope of the Contract is the provision of support services on a Time and Mean basis for Intramuros ICT support services, in different areas:
— User workplace and platform support (ICT Service Desk);
— Support services for the administration and operation of ICT systems and infrastructure.
This tender is divided into 2 Lots based on different place of delivery:
Lot 1: Provision of ICT Support Services on a Time and Means basis to Fusion for Energy in F4E premises in Barcelona (Spain);
Lot 2: Provision of ICT Support Services on a Time and Means basis to Fusion for Energy in IO and F4E premises in Cadarache (France).

El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2016-07-21. La contratación se publicó en 2016-06-02.

Los siguientes proveedores se mencionan en decisiones de adjudicación u otros documentos de contratación:
¿A quién?



Historial de adquisiciones
Fecha Documento
2016-06-02 Anuncio de licitación
2017-02-20 Anuncio de adjudicación de contrato