Provision of ICT Support Services on a Time and Means basis to Fusion for Energy
The scope of the Contract is the provision of support services on a Time and Mean basis for Intramuros ICT support services, in different areas:
— User workplace and platform support (ICT Service Desk);
— Support services for the administration and operation of ICT systems and infrastructure.
This tender is divided into 2 Lots based on different place of delivery:
Lot 1: Provision of ICT Support Services on a Time and Means basis to Fusion for Energy in F4E premises in Barcelona (Spain);
Lot 2: Provision of ICT Support Services on a Time and Means basis to Fusion for Energy in IO and F4E premises in Cadarache (France).
El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2016-07-21.
La contratación se publicó en 2016-06-02.
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