The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and experienced persons in the execution of specific contracts. Three different lots are the subject of this procurement: Project performance management, risk and opportunities management and planning support.
El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2018-02-15.
La contratación se publicó en 2017-12-18.
Los siguientes proveedores se mencionan en decisiones de adjudicación u otros documentos de contratación:
Información complementaria (2018-02-09) Autoridad contratante Nombre y dirección
“The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (‘Fusion for Energy’)”
Dirección postal: Josep Pla, 2 Torres Diagonal Litoral, Building B3
Ciudad postal: Barcelona
Código postal: 08019
País: España 🇪🇸
Persona de contacto: Contracts and Procurement Unit
Correo electrónico:📧
Región: Barcelona🏙️
Dirección del perfil de comprador:🌏
Objeto Alcance de la contratación
Título: Project Management Services
Productos/servicios: Servicios de consultoría en gestión de proyectos📦
Breve descripción:
“The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and...”
Breve descripción
The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and experienced persons in the execution of specific contracts. 3 Different lots are subject of this procurement: Project performance management, risk & opportunities management and planning support.
Información complementaria Referencia del anuncio original
Número de anuncio en el DO S: 2017/S 250-526268
Cambios Texto que debe corregirse en el anuncio original
Número de sección: IV.2.2
Valor antiguo
Fecha: 2018-02-15 📅
Nuevo valor
Fecha: 2018-02-22 📅
Texto que debe corregirse en el anuncio original
Número de sección: IV.2.7
Valor antiguo
Fecha: 2018-02-22 📅
Tiempo: 10:00
Nuevo valor
Fecha: 2018-03-01 📅
Tiempo: 10:00
Fuente: OJS 2018/S 031-066847 (2018-02-09)
Anuncio de adjudicación de contrato (2018-12-12) Autoridad contratante Nombre y dirección
“The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy (“Fusion for Energy”)”
Dirección postal: Josep Pla, 2, Torres Diagonal Litoral, Building B3
Objeto Alcance de la contratación
“Support in Project Perfomance management (Lot 1 of procedure 2017-OJS250-526268 — Project Management Services)
Breve descripción:
“The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The Contractor shall provide suitably qualified and...”
Breve descripción
The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The Contractor shall provide suitably qualified and experienced persons in the execution of specific contracts. This lot aims at providing project management support services. Detailed information can be found in Section “2.1.2. Scope of Support Services” of Annex B, of the invitation to tender 2017-OJS250-526268
Ver más
Valor total de la contratación (IVA excluido): EUR 4 000 000 💰
Lugar de ejecución: Barcelona🏙️
Emplazamiento principal o lugar de actuación:
“The services shall be provided at F4E’s premises in Barcelona (Spain), Cadarache (France) or at other European locations (i.e. F4E Suppliers’ premises).”
Descripción de la contratación:
“This lot aims at providing project management support services. Detailed information can be found in Section “2.1.2. Scope of Support Services” of Annex B,...”
Descripción de la contratación
This lot aims at providing project management support services. Detailed information can be found in Section “2.1.2. Scope of Support Services” of Annex B, of the invitation to tender published 2017-OJS250-526268
Ver más Criterios de adjudicación
Criterio de calidad (nombre): Technical award criteria
Criterio de calidad (ponderación): 60
Criterio de coste (nombre): Financial offer
Criterio de coste (ponderación): 40
Alcance de la contratación
Información sobre los fondos de la Unión Europea: ITER project
Procedimiento Tipo de procedimiento
Procedimiento abierto
Información sobre el acuerdo marco
La contratación implica el establecimiento de un acuerdo marco
Información administrativa
Publicación anterior sobre este procedimiento: 2017/S 250-526268
Adjudicación del contrato
Número de contrato: F4E-OMF-0895-LOT1-01
Número de identificación del lote: 1
“Framework Service Contract for Project Management Support Services — Project Performance Management Support — Lot 1”
Fecha de celebración del contrato: 2018-11-12 📅
Información sobre licitaciones
Número de ofertas recibidas: 12
Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: BCF Solutions France SARL
Número de registro nacional: FR91523160182
Dirección postal: 1330 Avenue Guilibert de la Lauziére
Ciudad postal: Aix-en-Provence
Código postal: 13856
País: Francia 🇫🇷
Región: Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 🏙️
El contratista es una PYME ✅ Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total estimado del contrato/lote: EUR 4 000 000 💰
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 4 000 000 💰
Información sobre subcontratación
Es probable que el contrato se subcontrate
Proporción (%): 10
Número de contrato: F4E-OMF-0895-LOT1-02
Fecha de celebración del contrato: 2018-12-10 📅
Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: Deloitte Consulting S.L.U.
Número de registro nacional: B81690471
Dirección postal: Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso, No. 1
Ciudad postal: Madrid
Código postal: E-28020
País: España 🇪🇸
Región: Madrid🏙️
El contratista es una PYME
Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total estimado del contrato/lote: EUR 4 000 000 💰
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 4 000 000 💰
Información sobre subcontratación
Proporción (%): 20
“See Internet address provided in Section I.3).
1) This notice and the rest of the procurement documents will be published also on the Joint Undertaking's...”
See Internet address provided in Section I.3).
1) This notice and the rest of the procurement documents will be published also on the Joint Undertaking's buyer's profile. Economic operators are strongly advised to regularly visit the webpage in Section I of this notice.
2) This procurement procedure is governed by the rules laid down by:
(a) Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No. 966/2012 as amended by Regulation (EU, Euratom) No. 547/2014 (“the Financial Regulation”) and by Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2015/1929;
(b) commission delegated regulation (EU) No. 1268/2012 as amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2462 of 30.10.2015 (the rules of Application of the Financial regulation); and
(c) complemented, where it derogates, by the Financial Derogation of Fusion for Energy adopted by the Governing Board on 2.12.2015.
All legislation can be found in
Ver más Órgano de revisión
Nombre: General Court
Dirección postal: rue du Fort Niedergrünewald
Ciudad postal: Luxembourg
Código postal: L-2925
País: Luxemburgo 🇱🇺
Fax: +352 43032100 📠
URL:🌏 Procedimiento de revisión
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión:
“Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from...”
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión
Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from us, or any complaint for maladministration, will have neither the purpose nor the effect of suspending the time-limit for launching an action for annulment or to open a new period for launching an action for annulment. The body responsible for hearing annulment procedures is indicated in Section VI.4.1 of the contract notice.
If you believe that there was maladministration, you may lodge a complaint to the European Ombudsman within two years of the date when you became aware of the facts on which the complaint is based (see
Ver más
Fuente: OJS 2018/S 247-566768 (2018-12-12)
Anuncio de adjudicación de contrato (2019-06-28) Objeto Alcance de la contratación
“Risk and Opportunities Management Support (Lot 2 of procedure 2017-OJS250-526268 — Project Management Services)
OMF - 0895 - 02”
Breve descripción:
“The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and...”
Breve descripción
The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and experienced persons in the execution of specific contracts. This lot aims at providing risk and opportunities management support services. Detailed information can be found in Section ‘2.1.2. Scope of Support Services’ of Annex B, of the invitation to tender 2017-OJS250-526268.
Ver más
Valor total de la contratación (IVA excluido): EUR 2 500 000 💰
Emplazamiento principal o lugar de actuación:
“The services shall be provided at F4E’s premises in Barcelona (SPAIN), Cadarache (FRANCE) or at other European locations (i.e. F4E Suppliers’ premises).”
Descripción de la contratación:
“The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and...”
Descripción de la contratación
The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and experienced persons in the execution of specific contracts. This lot aims at providing risk and opportunities management support services. Detailed information can be found in Section ‘2.1.2. Scope of Support Services’ of Annex B, of the invitation to tender 2017-OJS250-526268.
Ver más Criterios de adjudicación
Precio (ponderación): 40
Alcance de la contratación
Información sobre los fondos de la Unión Europea: ITER project.
Adjudicación del contrato
Número de contrato: F4E-OMF-0895-LOT2-01
Número de identificación del lote: 2
“Framework Service Contract for Project Management Support Services — Risk and Opportunities Management Support — Lot 2”
Fecha de celebración del contrato: 2019-01-24 📅
Información sobre licitaciones
Número de ofertas recibidas: 8
Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: Vulcain Services SAS
Número de registro nacional: FR60420418774
Dirección postal: 5 rue Beffroy
Ciudad postal: Neuilly-sur-Seine
Código postal: 92200
Región: France 🏙️ Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total estimado del contrato/lote: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Número de contrato: F4E-OMF-0895-LOT2-02
Fecha de celebración del contrato: 2019-03-11 📅
Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: Mott MacDonald Ltd
Número de registro nacional: GB523765636
Dirección postal: 8-10 Sydenham Road
Ciudad postal: Croydon
Código postal: CR0 2EE
País: Reino Unido 🇬🇧
Región: Croydon 🏙️ Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total estimado del contrato/lote: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 2 500 000 💰
“See Internet address provided in Section I.3):
1) This notice and the rest of the procurement documents will be published also on the joint undertaking's...”
See Internet address provided in Section I.3):
1) This notice and the rest of the procurement documents will be published also on the joint undertaking's buyer's profile. Economic operators are strongly advised to regularly visit the webpage in Section I of this notice;
2) This procurement procedure is governed by the rules laid down by:
(a) Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 as amended by Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 547/2014 (‘the Financial Regulation’) and by Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2015/1929;
(b) commission delegated Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012 as amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2462 of 30.10.2015 (the rules of application of the financial regulation); and
(c) complemented, where it derogates, by the Financial Derogation of Fusion for Energy adopted by the Governing Board on 2.12.2015.
All legislation can be found in
Ver más Procedimiento de revisión
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión:
“Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from...”
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión
Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from us, or any complaint for maladministration, will have neither the purpose nor the effect of suspending the time-limit for launching an action for annulment or to open a new period for launching an action for annulment. The body responsible for hearing annulment procedures is indicated in Section VI.4.1) of the Contract Notice.
If you believe that there was maladministration, you may lodge a complaint to the European Ombudsman within 2 years of the date when you became aware of the facts on which the complaint is based (see
Ver más
Fuente: OJS 2019/S 131-320806 (2019-06-28)
Anuncio de adjudicación de contrato (2019-07-22) Autoridad contratante Nombre y dirección
Persona de contacto: Procurement Unit
Objeto Alcance de la contratación
“Planning Support — (Lot 3 of Procedure 2017-OJS250-526268 — Project Management Services)
OMF - 0895 - 03”
Breve descripción:
“The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and...”
Breve descripción
The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and experienced persons in the execution of specific contracts. This lot aims at providing planning support services. Detailed information can be found in Section ‘2.1.3. Scope of Support Services’ of Annex B, of the invitation to tender 2017-OJS250-526268.
Ver más
Valor total de la contratación (IVA excluido): EUR 2 500 000 💰
Descripción de la contratación:
“The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and...”
Descripción de la contratación
The scope of this procurement is the conclusion of framework contracts for project management services. The contractor shall provide suitably qualified and experienced persons in the execution of specific contracts. This lot aims at providing planning support services. Detailed information can be found in Section ‘2.1.3. Scope of Support Services’ of Annex B, of the invitation to tender 2017-OJS250-526268.
Adjudicación del contrato
Número de contrato: F4E-OMF-0895-LOT3-01
Número de identificación del lote: 3
“Framework Service Contract for Project Management Support Services — Planning Support — Lot 3”
Fecha de celebración del contrato: 2019-06-14 📅
Información sobre licitaciones
Número de ofertas recibidas: 10
Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: Altran Technologies SA
Número de registro nacional: FR03 702012956
Dirección postal: 96 avenue Charles de Gaulle
Región: Paris 🏙️ Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total estimado del contrato/lote: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Número de contrato: F4E-OMF-0895-LOT3-02
Fecha de celebración del contrato: 2019-06-21 📅
Nombre y dirección del contratista
Dirección postal: Europarc de Pichaury Bâtiment B 5, 1330 avenue Guilibert de la Lauziére
Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total estimado del contrato/lote: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Información complementaria Procedimiento de revisión
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión:
“Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from...”
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión
Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from us, or any complaint for maladministration, will have neither the purpose nor the effect of suspending the time-limit for launching an action for annulment or to open anew period for launching an action for annulment. The body responsible for hearing annulment procedures is indicated in Section VI.4.1) of the Contract Notice.
If you believe that there was maladministration, you may lodge a complaint to the European Ombudsman within 2 years of the date when you became aware of the facts on which the complaint is based (see
Ver más
Fuente: OJS 2019/S 144-353622 (2019-07-22)