The Gyrotron Commissioning Components (GCC) will be used to perform the commissioning and the site acceptance tests of the gyrotrons delivered to ITER.
The GCC comprise a set of transmission lines and mitre bends with an internal diameter of 50 mm and an internal corrugation compatible with the transmission of a HE1,1 mode at 170 GHz. The waveguides connect the Matching optical unit (MOU) of each Gyrotron to a calorimetric Dummy Load for the dissipation and measurement of the power produced by the gyrotron.
The set of GCC waveguides and mitre bends shall allow continuous operation at 1.2 MW power and hence have an adequate cooling system.
El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2019-09-02.
La contratación se publicó en 2019-07-30.
Objeto Alcance de la contratación
Título: Gyrotron Commissioning Components
Productos/servicios: Equipo de microondas📦
Breve descripción:
“The Gyrotron Commissioning Components (GCC) will be used to perform the commissioning and the site acceptance tests of the gyrotrons delivered to ITER.
Breve descripción
The Gyrotron Commissioning Components (GCC) will be used to perform the commissioning and the site acceptance tests of the gyrotrons delivered to ITER.
The GCC comprise a set of transmission lines and mitre bends with an internal diameter of 50 mm and an internal corrugation compatible with the transmission of a HE1,1 mode at 170 GHz. The waveguides connect the Matching optical unit (MOU) of each Gyrotron to a calorimetric Dummy Load for the dissipation and measurement of the power produced by the gyrotron.
The set of GCC waveguides and mitre bends shall allow continuous operation at 1.2 MW power and hence have an adequate cooling system.
Productos/servicios adicionales: Equipo de microondas📦
Lugar de ejecución: Vaud 🏙️
Emplazamiento principal o lugar de actuación:
“Place of delivery: Swiss Plasma Center École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, PPB 221/324 (Bâtiment PPB) Station 13, CH-1015 Lausanne, SWITZERLAND.”
Descripción de la contratación:
“The Gyrotron Commissioning Components (GCC) will be used to perform the commissioning and the site acceptance tests of the gyrotrons delivered to ITER.
Descripción de la contratación
The Gyrotron Commissioning Components (GCC) will be used to perform the commissioning and the site acceptance tests of the gyrotrons delivered to ITER.
The GCC comprise a set of transmission lines and mitre bends with an internal diameter of 50 mm and an internal corrugation compatible with the transmission of a HE1,1 mode at 170 GHz. The waveguides connect the Matching optical unit (MOU) of each Gyrotron to a calorimetric Dummy Load for the dissipation and measurement of the power produced by the gyrotron.
The set of GCC waveguides and mitre bends shall allow continuous operation at 1.2 MW power and hence have an adequate cooling system.
Ver más Criterios de adjudicación
El precio no es el único criterio de adjudicación y todos los criterios se establecen únicamente en los pliegos de la contratación
Alcance de la contratación
Valor total estimado sin IVA: EUR 159 000 💰
Duración del contrato, acuerdo marco o sistema dinámico de adquisición
El plazo que figura a continuación se expresa en número de meses.
Duración: 8
Información sobre los límites del número de candidatos que pueden ser invitados
Número previsto de candidatos: 3
Criterios objetivos para elegir el número limitado de candidatos:
“As indicated in the procurement documents — see internet address provided in Section I.3).” Información sobre opciones
Opciones ✅
Descripción de las opciones:
“Options as indicated in the procurement documents — see internet address provided in Section I.3).” Alcance de la contratación
Información sobre los fondos de la Unión Europea: Iter
Información jurídica, económica, financiera y técnica Condiciones de participación
Lista y breve descripción de las afecciones: See internet address provided in Section I.3).
Situación económica y financiera
Criterios de selección establecidos en los pliegos de la contratación
Capacidad técnica y profesional
Criterios de selección establecidos en los pliegos de la contratación
Procedimiento Tipo de procedimiento
Procedimiento competitivo con negociación
Información sobre la negociación
La Autoridad Contratante se reserva el derecho de adjudicar el contrato sobre la base de las ofertas iniciales sin llevar a cabo negociaciones
Información administrativa
Plazo de recepción de las ofertas o solicitudes de participación: 2019-09-02
23:59 📅
Fecha estimada de envío de las invitaciones a licitar o a participar a los candidatos seleccionados: 2019-09-16 📅
Lenguas en las que pueden presentarse las ofertas o solicitudes de participación: inglés 🗣️
Información complementaria Información sobre flujos de trabajo electrónicos
Se utilizará el pago electrónico
Información complementaria
“See Internet address provided in Section I.3.
1) This notice and the rest of the procurement documents will be published also on the joint undertaking's...”
See Internet address provided in Section I.3.
1) This notice and the rest of the procurement documents will be published also on the joint undertaking's industry portal. Economic operators are strongly advised to regularly visit the webpage in Section I of this notice;
2) This procurement procedure is governed by the rules laid down by:
(a) Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 as amended by Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 547/2014 (‘the Financial Regulation’) and by Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2015/1929;
(b) Commission delegated Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012 as amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2462 of 30.10.2015 (the rules of application of the financial regulation); and
(c) complemented, where it derogates, by the financial derogation of fusion for energy adopted by the governing board on 2.12.2015.
All legislation can be found in
3) In case of new contract(s) consisting of a repetition of similar works or services entrusted to the economic operator to which fusion for energy awarded the original contract, fusion for energy may use the negotiated procedure in accordance with Article 134 RAP (the duration of such contracts shall not, as a general rule, exceed 3 years).
Ver más Órgano de revisión
Nombre: General Court
Dirección postal: rue du Fort Niedergrunewald
Ciudad postal: Luxembourg
Código postal: L-2925
País: Luxemburgo 🇱🇺
Teléfono: +352 4303-1📞
Correo electrónico:📧
Fax: +352 43032100 📠
URL:🌏 Procedimiento de revisión
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión:
“Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from...”
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión
Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from us, or any complaint for maladministration, will have neither the purpose nor the effect of suspending the time-limit for launching an action for annulment or to open a new period for launching an action for annulment. The body responsible for hearing annulment procedures is indicated in Section VI.4.1 of the contract notice.
If you believe that there was maladministration, you may lodge a complaint to the European Ombudsman within 2 years of the date when you became aware of the facts on which the complaint is based (see
Ver más
Fuente: OJS 2019/S 153-375795 (2019-07-30)
Anuncio de adjudicación de contrato (2021-04-23) Autoridad contratante Nombre y dirección
Nombre: Fusion for Energy Joint Undertaking (‘Fusion for Energy’)
Objeto Alcance de la contratación
Breve descripción:
“The Gyrotron Commissioning Components (GCC) will be used to perform the commissioning and the site acceptance tests of the gyrotrons delivered to ITER.
Breve descripción
The Gyrotron Commissioning Components (GCC) will be used to perform the commissioning and the site acceptance tests of the gyrotrons delivered to ITER.
The GCC comprise a set of transmission lines and mitre bends with an internal diameter of 50 mm and an internal corrugation compatible with the transmission of a HE1,1 mode at 170 GHz. The waveguides connect the Matching Optical Unit (MOU) of each Gyrotron to a calorimetric Dummy Load for the dissipation and measurement of the power produced by the gyrotron.
The set of GCC waveguides and mitre bends shall allow continuous operation at 1.2 MW power and hence have an adequate cooling system.
Ver más Descripción
Emplazamiento principal o lugar de actuación:
“Place of delivery: Swiss Plasma Center École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
PPB 221/324 (Bâtiment PPB) Station 13
CH-1015 Lausanne
Descripción de la contratación:
“The Gyrotron Commissioning Components (GCC) will be used to perform the commissioning and the site acceptance tests of the gyrotrons delivered to ITER.
Descripción de la contratación
The Gyrotron Commissioning Components (GCC) will be used to perform the commissioning and the site acceptance tests of the gyrotrons delivered to ITER.
The GCC comprise a set of transmission lines and mitre bends with an internal diameter of 50 mm and an internal corrugation compatible with the transmission of a HE1,1 mode at 170 GHz. The waveguides connect the Matching Optical Unit (MOU) of each Gyrotron to a calorimetric Dummy Load for the dissipation and measurement of the power produced by the gyrotron.
The set of GCC waveguides and mitre bends shall allow continuous operation at 1.2 MW power and hence have an adequate cooling system.
Ver más Criterios de adjudicación
Criterio de calidad (nombre): Merit of the schedule
Criterio de calidad (ponderación): 16
Criterio de calidad (nombre): Merit of the manufacturing plan in terms of equipment and tooling
Criterio de calidad (ponderación): 12
Criterio de calidad (nombre): Merit of the manufacturing plan in terms of processes
Criterio de calidad (ponderación): 4
Criterio de calidad (nombre): Merit of the contractual conditions
Criterio de calidad (ponderación): 8
Precio (ponderación): 60
Información sobre opciones
Descripción de las opciones:
“Options as indicated in the procurement documents - see internet address provided in section I.3).”
Procedimiento Información administrativa
Publicación anterior sobre este procedimiento: 2019/S 153-375795
Adjudicación del contrato
Título: Gyrotron Commissioning Components
Información sobre los no premiados
No se recibieron ofertas o solicitudes de participación o todas fueron rechazadas
“See Internet address provided in section I.3).
1) This notice and the rest of the procurement documents will be published also on the Joint Undertaking's...”
See Internet address provided in section I.3).
1) This notice and the rest of the procurement documents will be published also on the Joint Undertaking's buyer's profile. Economic operators are strongly advised to regularly visit the webpage in Section I of this notice.
2) This procurement procedure is governed by the rules laid down by the Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 referred to as the ‘General Financial Regulation’ (GFR); and (c) complemented, where it derogates, by the Financial Regulation for Fusion for Energy adopted by Governing Board decision of 10 December 2019.
All legislation can be found in
Ver más Órgano de revisión
Dirección postal: Rue du Fort Niedergrunewald
Procedimiento de revisión
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión:
“Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from...”
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión
Within 2 months of notice of the award decision, you may launch an action for annulment of the award decision. Any request you may make and any reply from us, or any complaint for maladministration, will have neither the purpose nor the effect of suspending the time-limit for launching an action for annulment or to open a new period for launching an action for annulment. The body responsible for hearing annulment procedures is indicated in Section VI.4.1 of the contract notice.
If you believe that there was maladministration, you may lodge a complaint to the European Ombudsman within 2 years of the date when you became aware of the facts on which the complaint is based (see
Ver más
Fuente: OJS 2021/S 087-223870 (2021-04-23)