Complete Scope:
Design, development of the control system, engineering, design, manufacture, transport, installation, construction (including all civil works), testing and commissioning. It includes spare parts, warranty and annual preventive and corrective maintenance of the converter stations.
Converter stations:
Converter stations with VSC technology equipped with a bipole with metallic return for a transport capacity of 400 MW distributed in two circuits of 200 MW. On the continuous current (DC) side it will be connected to the submarine cable at a voltage of +/- 250 kV and on the alternating current (AC) side it will be connected to two existing circuit breaker positions.
El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2023-02-07.
La contratación se publicó en 2022-12-27.
Objeto Alcance de la contratación
Título: Electrical Interconnection Peninsula – Baleares 2 (SPAIN) – Converter Stations
Productos/servicios: Convertidores de potencia📦
Breve descripción:
“Complete Scope:
Design, development of the control system, engineering, design, manufacture, transport, installation, construction (including all civil...”
Breve descripción
Complete Scope:
Design, development of the control system, engineering, design, manufacture, transport, installation, construction (including all civil works), testing and commissioning. It includes spare parts, warranty and annual preventive and corrective maintenance of the converter stations.
Converter stations:
Converter stations with VSC technology equipped with a bipole with metallic return for a transport capacity of 400 MW distributed in two circuits of 200 MW. On the continuous current (DC) side it will be connected to the submarine cable at a voltage of +/- 250 kV and on the alternating current (AC) side it will be connected to two existing circuit breaker positions.
2 (two) HVDC Voltage Sourced Converter (VSC) converter stations, each composed of bipole with dedicated metallic return with a capacity of 2x200 MW each at the receiving end at operating DC voltage of +/-250 kV.
The scope includes the design (including detail design), engineering, procurement, manufacture, supply, transportation, installation, construction (including all civil works), testing, commissioning, spares provision, operational handover, warranty and maintenance of the converter stations.
Provision of maintenance service alongside the obligation to rectify defects for a mandatory initial period aftertake over to align with the warranty period under the EPCI contract and manufacture, supply and delivery of replenishment spares for spares used during such period and may further include provision for delivery of spares for an extended period (beyond the warranty period) — all as further detailed in the Invitation to Tender(ITT) documents.
Further detail of the scope of the contract may be provided notably in the ITT documents
Ver más Criterios de adjudicación
El precio no es el único criterio de adjudicación y todos los criterios se establecen únicamente en los pliegos de la contratación
Fecha de inicio: 2024-08-01 📅
Fecha final: 2029-12-31 📅
Información sobre opciones
Opciones ✅
Descripción de las opciones:
“Extension to the term of maintenance services (including any extension of spares provision) procured under this contract.
Provision of replica for Spanish...”
Descripción de las opciones
Extension to the term of maintenance services (including any extension of spares provision) procured under this contract.
Provision of replica for Spanish station.
Further details will be provided in ITT.
Ver más Descripción
Información complementaria:
“Official communications shall be conducted via message board on the project’s e-sourcing platform. All communications throughout the tender process related...”
Información complementaria
Official communications shall be conducted via message board on the project’s e-sourcing platform. All communications throughout the tender process related to the Electrical Interconnection Peninsula – Baleares 2 (SPAIN) project must be sent via this way. Any communications not sent via this e-sourcing portal may not receive any response. REE will not accept any responsibility should this happen.
Información jurídica, económica, financiera y técnica Condiciones de participación
Lista y breve descripción de las afecciones:
“— Insurance policy from the candidate that specify that the activity(es) are covered, the quantity of coverage and period of validity, as well as a...”
Lista y breve descripción de las afecciones
— Insurance policy from the candidate that specify that the activity(es) are covered, the quantity of coverage and period of validity, as well as a certificate proving the payment of the premiums (civil responsibility, ten years guarantee and additional guarantees, etc.) that cover the professional risks of the candidate with reference to contract object of the tender.
— Certificate proving to comply of all its obligations and duties regarding employment & labour law, social security, and occupational health & safety and prevention, whereby it is obliged to duly and correctly fulfil and comply with them
- Certification proving to comply regarding contributions owed to the Social Security by the regulation (EEC) number 1408/71 from 14.6.1971 or an international agreement, otherwise a certificate from the Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (General Treasury of the Spanish Social Security) stating it is fully up to date regarding contributions owed to the Social Security, this document must have been issued up to 6 months. - Certificate proving to be fully up to date regarding tax obligations affecting the configuration of its business and activities.
All the documents must be submitted in Spanish, in case the original documents are in any other language, the translation to Spanish must be certified by the diplomatic authority concerned.
All cost of completing and submitting any submission and any presentations of the submission are the responsibility of the applicant(s).
Ver más Situación económica y financiera
Lista y breve descripción de los criterios de selección:
“The following must be submitted:
- Copy of the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts, with appendices for the last 3 fiscal years.
- Copy of the annual...”
Lista y breve descripción de los criterios de selección
The following must be submitted:
- Copy of the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts, with appendices for the last 3 fiscal years.
- Copy of the annual report for the last 3 fiscal years.
- If the applicant is in a situation of judicial resolution, a copy of the corresponding judgement(s).
- Turnover of this product for the last 3 years.
- Number of employees during the last 5 years.
- If the applicant is a subsidiary company or a member of a group or consortium, full details of the group structure, including the details of the group structure, including details of who would provide a guarantee from the parent company.
- Data showing that they are financially stable and profitable, including copies of audited certified financial statements for the last three years.
- Certified financial statements for the last three years.
“the applicant shall demonstrate an annual turnover average for the last three (3) financial years at least equal to EUR 100 000 000 per year.
Evidence that...”
the applicant shall demonstrate an annual turnover average for the last three (3) financial years at least equal to EUR 100 000 000 per year.
Evidence that appropriate quality control systems are in place and used for projects of this nature, the applicant must have ISO 9001:2000 certification. The applicant must have ISO9001 and ISO14001 (send copies of the certificates and their scope).
Ver más Capacidad técnica y profesional
Lista y breve descripción de los criterios de selección:
“The candidate shall provide evidence of execution of similar contracts to the Works described in this announcement through:
— Reference to similar...”
Lista y breve descripción de los criterios de selección
The candidate shall provide evidence of execution of similar contracts to the Works described in this announcement through:
— Reference to similar projects.
— Description to the resources own to perform the Works described.
— Proof that the personnel is the adequate to perform the Works required
Ver más Condiciones de participación
Condiciones de participación (capacidad técnica y profesional):
“The candidate must have performed similar contracts in the last 5 years. Short description of the work done including at least: Client, date, location and...”
Condiciones de participación (capacidad técnica y profesional)
The candidate must have performed similar contracts in the last 5 years. Short description of the work done including at least: Client, date, location and approximate value of the contract.
Ver más
Forma jurídica que adoptará la agrupación de operadores económicos adjudicataria del contrato:
“— single company with proposed sub-contractors if necessary;
— consortium with proposed sub-contractors if necessary.
In case of applicants submit bids as a...”
Forma jurídica que adoptará la agrupación de operadores económicos adjudicataria del contrato
— single company with proposed sub-contractors if necessary;
— consortium with proposed sub-contractors if necessary.
In case of applicants submit bids as a consortium, applications shall be submitted either by all the members of consortium or by an agent who provides proof of the necessary authorizations to represent the other members of the consortium. Same economic operator may not be an agent of more than one Consortium for same contract.
Procedimiento Tipo de procedimiento
Procedimiento negociado con convocatoria de concurso previa
Información administrativa
Plazo de recepción de las ofertas o solicitudes de participación: 2023-02-07
12:00 📅
Fecha estimada de envío de las invitaciones a licitar o a participar a los candidatos seleccionados: 2023-03-30 📅
Lenguas en las que pueden presentarse las ofertas o solicitudes de participación: español 🗣️
El plazo que figura a continuación se expresa en número de meses.
Plazo mínimo durante el cual el licitador debe mantener la oferta: 12
Información complementaria Información sobre flujos de trabajo electrónicos
Se aceptará la facturación electrónica
Órgano de revisión
Nombre: Tribunal Administrativo Central de Recursos Contractuales
Dirección postal: Avda General Perón, 38, planta 8.
Ciudad postal: Madrid
Código postal: 28020
País: España 🇪🇸
Teléfono: +34 913491441📞
Correo electrónico:📧
URL:🌏 Organismo responsable de los procedimientos de mediación
Nombre: Es
Ciudad postal: madrid
País: España 🇪🇸
URL:🌏 Servicio del que puede obtenerse información sobre el procedimiento de recurso
Nombre: Tribunal Administrativo Central de Recursos Contractuales
Dirección postal: Avda General Perón, 38, planta 8.
Ciudad postal: Madrid
Código postal: 28020
País: España 🇪🇸
Teléfono: +34 913491441📞
Correo electrónico:📧
Fuente: OJS 2022/S 252-732810 (2022-12-27)