Proveedor: GDES erba SAS

Una contratación archivada

GDES erba SAS ha sido históricamente proveedor de trabajos de construcción, acabado de edificios y trabajos de pintura y acristalamiento.

Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor GDES erba SAS

2018-06-01   Painting and Coating for the Tokamak Complex (The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy ("Fusion for Energy"))
The subject of the Contract is the provision of painting and coating works for the Tokamak complex buildings i.e. Tokamak, tritium and diagnostics, as set out in the Technical specification (Annex B) and in conformity with the terms of the Specific tender conditions, the General tender conditions and the Management specifications. The Contract consists in baseline scope and if released, 5 options for additional scope as per section II.2.11. Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: GDES erba SAS