Proveedor: Life Cycle Engineering, Srl

Una contrataci贸n archivada

Hist贸ricamente, los licitadores competidores han sido Best Foot Forward y Oakdene Hollins Ltd.

Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Life Cycle Engineering, Srl

2013-06-13   Technical support for the revision of Ecolabel and green public procurement (GPP) criteria (5 lots) (European Commission, JRC, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS))
The contract is intended to provide the Commission with services that support the revision of Ecolabel and green public procurement (GPP) criteria for the different product groups under consideration. In the first 3 lots, support work will feed into the actual ongoing implementation process, whereas for lots 4 and 5 a pre-study is requested which should prepare the ground for a potential future revision process. Ver la contrataci贸n 禄
Proveedores mencionados: Best Foot Forward Life Cycle Engineering, Srl Oakdene Hollins Ltd