Proveedor: Sofren SAS

2 adquisiciones archivadas

Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Sofren SAS

2021-04-27   Support Services in the Area of Nuclear Safety (Fusion for Energy Joint Undertaking (‘Fusion for Energy’))
Provision of support for Nuclear Safety: • safety analyses in the frame of French Nuclear Regulations and Guidelines of the French Nuclear Safety Authority: ‘Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire’. • support services to analyse the compliance with French Nuclear Regulation and Guidelines, for F4E and F4E supplier’s activities from Design to Manufacturing and Delivery stages. Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: Apave SA Framatome SAS Orano Projets SAS Sofren SAS
2016-08-08   Support services in the area of nuclear safety (The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the development of Fusion Energy (‘Fusion for Energy’))
Provision for nuclear safety support through safety analyses in the frame of French nuclear regulations and guidelines of the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN, Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire). This could include possible resident expert staff to work for limited periods at the premises of F4E headquarters in Barcelona. Ver la contratación »
Proveedores mencionados: Comex Nucléaire Sofren SAS