Site infrastructure works (TB14)

The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy ('Fusion for Energy')

The contract is for site infrastructure works. These works comprise the performance of the execution design, procurement and construction of the following:
Concrete service trenches (galleries):
— internal dimensions (width in mm x height in mm) ranging from: smallest 2 200 x 1 650, largest 2 700 x 5 500 and 4 300 x 2 850,
— average thickness of the walls: 300 mm,
— length of service trenches to be implemented: 3 000 lm.
Precipitation drainage:
— concrete pipe works.
Special foundations:
— reinforced concrete foundations for load centres including blast walls,
— reinforced concrete slabs for tanks or other equipment,
— inclusions expected: rails, embedded plates or others,
— example of dimensions to be considered (width in mm x length in mm): e.g. laydown area 17 slab: 48 200 x 45 300.

El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2014-10-06. La contratación se publicó en 2014-08-29.

¿A quién?


Historial de adquisiciones
Fecha Documento
2014-08-29 Anuncio de licitación
2014-12-18 Información complementaria