This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders for the TurboWave pre-commercial procurement (PCP).
Mutriku Wave Power Plant is the first commercial plant in Europe to use wave energy to generate electricity. The wave energy plant is located in the Bay of Biscay, with Oscillating Water Column (OWC) being the technology used for the energy conversion. It has 16 turbines with a total capacity of 296 kW, harnessing air compressed by the action of the waves. The plant started operation in 2011 and has achieved the world-leading mark of 2,7 GWh cumulative output in October 2022.
The TurboWave pre-commercial procurement program aims to accelerate the development of air turbine technologies matching the wave energy sector needs in general and the specific requirements of the Mutriku Plant in particular.
El plazo para la recepción de ofertas era de 2023-02-16.
La contratación se publicó en 2022-12-22.
Los siguientes proveedores se mencionan en decisiones de adjudicación u otros documentos de contratación:
Objeto Alcance de la contratación
“Pre-Commercial Procurement: Research and Development services for wave energy related technologies
Productos/servicios: Estudio de previabilidad y demostración tecnológica📦
Breve descripción:
“This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders for the TurboWave pre-commercial procurement (PCP).
Mutriku Wave Power Plant is the...”
Breve descripción
This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders for the TurboWave pre-commercial procurement (PCP).
Mutriku Wave Power Plant is the first commercial plant in Europe to use wave energy to generate electricity. The wave energy plant is located in the Bay of Biscay, with Oscillating Water Column (OWC) being the technology used for the energy conversion. It has 16 turbines with a total capacity of 296 kW, harnessing air compressed by the action of the waves. The plant started operation in 2011 and has achieved the world-leading mark of 2,7 GWh cumulative output in October 2022.
The TurboWave pre-commercial procurement program aims to accelerate the development of air turbine technologies matching the wave energy sector needs in general and the specific requirements of the Mutriku Plant in particular.
Productos/servicios adicionales: Ensayo y evaluación📦
Productos/servicios adicionales: Turbinas y motores📦
Lugar de ejecución: País Vasco🏙️
Descripción de la contratación:
“This procurement takes the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP). In a PCP, R&D service contracts are awarded to several R&D service providers in...”
Descripción de la contratación
This procurement takes the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP). In a PCP, R&D service contracts are awarded to several R&D service providers in parallel to progressively develop solutions in a phased approach. This allows the procurers to compare several design solutions in a competitive environment.
The TurboWave PCP combines the phased approach of the PCP model, a stage-gated industrial development process, and an international evaluation and guidance framework for ocean energy technology.
Each selected operator will be awarded a framework agreement that covers up to three R&D phases:
- Phase 1: Concept development
- Phase 2: Design Refinement and Lab Testing
- Phase 3: Detailed design, manufacture and testing in Mutriku Wave Power Plant
After each phase, intermediate evaluations will be carried out to progressively select the best of the competing solutions. The contractors with the best-value-for-money solutions will be offered a call-off contract for the next phase, under the framework agreement.
Phase 1 is expected to start in April 2023. Phase 2 is expected to start in January 2024. Phase 3 is expected to start on January 2025 and conclude in June 2026.
The selected operators will retain ownership of the intellectual and industrial property rights (IIPRs) that they generate during the PCP and will be able to use them to exploit the full market potential of the developed solutions.
Ver más Criterios de adjudicación
El precio no es el único criterio de adjudicación y todos los criterios se establecen únicamente en los pliegos de la contratación
Duración del contrato, acuerdo marco o sistema dinámico de adquisición
El plazo que figura a continuación se expresa en número de meses.
Duración: 39
Duración del contrato, acuerdo marco o sistema dinámico de adquisición
Este contrato está sujeto a renovación ✅ Descripción
Descripción de las renovaciones:
“The Procurer reserves the right to extend the duration of the framework agreement or any call-off contracts from it (time extensions only).”
Información complementaria:
“Section 5.2 of DL1 document provides specific information about the technical and administrative requirements to submit a proposal.”
Información jurídica, económica, financiera y técnica Situación económica y financiera
Criterios de selección establecidos en los pliegos de la contratación
Capacidad técnica y profesional
Criterios de selección establecidos en los pliegos de la contratación
Condiciones del contrato
Condiciones de ejecución del contrato: See the tender documents for the requirements
Información sobre el personal responsable de la ejecución del contrato
Obligación de indicar los nombres y cualificaciones profesionales del personal asignado a la ejecución del contrato
Procedimiento Tipo de procedimiento
Procedimiento abierto
Información sobre un acuerdo marco o un sistema dinámico de adquisición
Acuerdo marco con varios operadores
Información administrativa
Publicación anterior sobre este procedimiento: 2021/S 238-627296
Plazo de recepción de las ofertas o solicitudes de participación: 2023-02-16
12:00 📅
Lenguas en las que pueden presentarse las ofertas o solicitudes de participación: español 🗣️
Lenguas en las que pueden presentarse las ofertas o solicitudes de participación: euskera 🗣️
Lenguas en las que pueden presentarse las ofertas o solicitudes de participación: inglés 🗣️
Condiciones de apertura de las ofertas: 2023-02-16
12:30 📅
“This procurement concerns a pre-commercial procurement (PCP). PCPs are exempted from the EU public procurement directives (2004/18/EC (or 2014/24/EU) and...”
This procurement concerns a pre-commercial procurement (PCP). PCPs are exempted from the EU public procurement directives (2004/18/EC (or 2014/24/EU) and 2004/17/EC (or 2014/25/EU)), and the national laws that implement them, because the procurers do not retain all the benefits of the R&D (the IPR ownership stays with the contractors). Publication of this contract notice in the OJEU is not to be understood as a waiver of this exemption. Publication is made on a voluntary basis and the procurement will not follow the procedures under the EU public procurement directives, but rather the procedure described in the tender documentation.
An open procedure was chosen in Section IV.1.1) ‘Procedure’ for formal reasons only. This is because it is not possible to publish a contract notice without selecting one of the listed procedures.
PCPs also exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) because the WTO GPA does not cover R&D services (PCPs being limited to such services).
PCPs do not constitute state aid under the EU state aid rules if they are implemented following an open, transparent, competitive procedure with risk and benefit sharing at market price.
The value stated in section II.1.5). refers to the total estimated value of the PCP framework agreement in euros (excluding VAT). Details of the budget for each phase and the budget for each individual call-off contract are provided in tender documents.
Call-off contracts will be priced and paid in euros.
All communications (relating to the tendering procedure or the performance of the contract) shall be made in Basque, Spanish or English. In case of discrepancy between the governing documents of this Precomercial Public Procurement, its Spanish version prevails.
Participation in the open market consultation webinar that was held on 3 February 2022 as part of the preparation for this procurement is not a prerequisite for submitting a tender. The Questionnaire and the Final Report from the Open Market Consultation is available in :
The “Plataforma para la Contratacion Publica en Euskadi” portal will be the single point of truth for this procurement exercise.
All queries regarding the Request for Tenders, the tendering documentation or the tendering process must be forwarded to the following electronic mail address : .
Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems.
All communications (relating to the tendering procedure or the performance of the contract) shall be made in, Basque or Spanish or English. In case of discrepancy between the governing documents of this Precommercial Public Procurement, its Spanish version prevails.
Ver más Órgano de revisión
Nombre: Ente Vasco de la Energía
Ciudad postal: Bilbao
País: España 🇪🇸 Procedimiento de revisión
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión:
“The procurement is exempted from the EU public procurement directives (2004/18/EC (or 2014/24/EU), 2004/17/EC (or 2014/25/EU)), including the EU procurement...”
Información precisa sobre los plazos de los procedimientos de revisión
The procurement is exempted from the EU public procurement directives (2004/18/EC (or 2014/24/EU), 2004/17/EC (or 2014/25/EU)), including the EU procurement remedies directives (89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC) and the national laws that implement them.
Publication of this notice in the Official Journal is not to be understood as a waiver of this exemption by the contracting authority.
Ver más
Fuente: OJS 2022/S 249-725586 (2022-12-22)
Anuncio de adjudicación de contrato (2023-06-07) Objeto Alcance de la contratación
Valor total de la contratación (IVA excluido): EUR 3 200 000 💰
Criterios de adjudicación
Procedimiento Información sobre el acuerdo marco
La contratación implica el establecimiento de un acuerdo marco
Información administrativa
Publicación anterior sobre este procedimiento: 2022/S 249-725586
Adjudicación del contrato
“Pre-Commercial Procurement: Research and Development services for wave energy related technologies”
Fecha de celebración del contrato: 2023-06-07 📅
Información sobre licitaciones
Número de ofertas recibidas: 6
Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture S.A.U.
Ciudad postal: Bilbao
País: España 🇪🇸
Región: País Vasco🏙️
El contratista es una PYME
Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total estimado del contrato/lote: EUR 100 000 💰
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 99 240 💰
2️⃣ Información sobre licitaciones
El contrato se ha adjudicado a un grupo de operadores económicos ✅ Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: Kymaner Tecnologias Energeticas Lda
Ciudad postal: Lisboa
País: Portugal 🇵🇹
Región: Portugal 🏙️
El contratista es una PYME ✅
Nombre: Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica
Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 98 590 💰
3️⃣ Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: Arrecife Energy Systems SL
Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 88 648 💰
4️⃣ Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: Advanced Simulation Technologies S.L.
Ciudad postal: Gijón
Región: Principado de Asturias🏙️
Nombre: New Wave Technologies Limited
Ciudad postal: County Cork
País: Irlanda 🇮🇪
Región: Éire/Ireland 🏙️ Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 98 280 💰
5️⃣ Nombre y dirección del contratista
Nombre: 4D Engineering srl Unipersonale
Ciudad postal: Tresana
País: Italia 🇮🇹
Región: Italia 🏙️ Información sobre el valor del contrato/lote (sin IVA)
Valor total del contrato/lote: EUR 99648.40 💰
Fuente: OJS 2023/S 111-347411 (2023-06-07)