La contratación pública en España
Proveedor: Air Liquide Engineering
Proveedor: Air Liquide Engineering
Una contratación archivada
Air Liquide Engineering ha sido históricamente proveedor de
derivados del petróleo, combustibles, electricidad y otras fuentes de energía
electricidad, calefacción, energías solar y nuclear
productos químicos
Históricamente, los licitadores competidores han sido
Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions France S.A.
Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions France SA
Adquisiciones recientes en las que se menciona al proveedor Air Liquide Engineering
Supply of the liquid nitrogen plant and auxiliary systems
The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy ('Fusion for Energy')
The scope of this contract is to supply the engineering, supervision of installation (with the execution as an option) and testing of the liquid nitrogen (LN2) plant and auxiliary systems in accordance with the management specification (Annex A) and technical specification (Annex B). The contract will include the delivery of an LN2 plant as well as auxiliary systems such as 2 × 80 K loops, helium storage tanks, a purification system, dryers and heaters. The execution of the contract is divided into the …
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Proveedores mencionados:
Air Liquide Engineering
Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions France S.A.
Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions France SA
Búsquedas relacionadas
Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions France S.A.
Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions France SA
Derivados del petróleo, combustibles,...
Electricidad, calefacción, energías solar...
Productos químicos
Productos químicos puros y otros...
Productos químicos para fines específicos
Maquinaria industrial
Servicios de instalación (excepto software)
Servicios de investigación y desarrollo y...
Servicios relacionados con la industria...