Adquisiciones recientes de Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM)
2014-05-23User experience management services (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM))
OHIM wishes to mature in its user experience practices through a main initiative, which is to develop a user experience management strategic vision. The first and most important objective of the contractor will be to analyse the current practices and state of play in the area at the Office and help develop a strategic vision and concrete roadmap with its associated plan in such an area. The purpose of the services required is to ensure that user voices/feedback are listened to and methodically analysed …
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2014-05-22Provision of e-learning modules (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM))
The subject matter of this call for tender is to identify the most suitable provider for designing and creating e-learning modules to be hosted in the learning management system which is called 'OHIM Academy Learning Portal' (OALP) and the post-production of videos following recorded events organised by the Office. The contract will cover the development/acquisition of e-learning products, catering to different needs and/or audiences, in different ways:
1. development of tailor-made modules (or update of …
Ver la contratación » Proveedores mencionados:Deloitte Advisory, S.L.